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New Dawn Easter Celebrations 2016

New Dawn Easter Celebrations 2016 are starting on Good Friday with a service in Houston's Mill, Broughshane starting at 8.00pm Then on Easter Sunday morning you are welcome to join them for a riverside dawn service starting at 6.30am and…

Farewell service for Dean Bond

The Parish of St. Patrick, Broughshane recently held a Farewell Service for Dean Bond. The Service of Thanksgiving was held on Sunday, 10th January 2016 as The Very Revd. John F.A. Bond, Dean of Connor and Rector in St Patrick's Broughshane…

Experience a New Dawn at Christmas

Experience a new dawn at Christmas as the team at New Dawn fellowship invite you to celebrate Jesus, ‘The Reason For The Season’, with them at a series of events this Christmas. A Christmas Celebration is planned for Sunday 20th…