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Raise The Roof Kids Choir Coffee Morning at Wellington Church
Raise The Roof Kids Choir Coffee Morning at Wellington Church, Ballymena is another fundraising event being planned…
High Kirk Church Ballymena ‘Awaken’ Spring Conference
High Kirk Church Ballymena 'Awaken' Spring Conference is being held on 25th & 26th April 2015. The main speaker…
Raise The Roof Kids Choir | New Foundation | Ballymena Academy
Raise The Roof Kids Choir would love to see you at New Foundation.
Ballymena Academy is the venue for 2 nights…
Ballymena Elim Church
Situated right in the heart of Ballymena town centre, Ballymena Elim Church can be found on Castle Street, just a…
Raise The Roof Kids Choir
Raise the Roof kids choir is made up mostly of children from around the greater Ballymena area and directed by…