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Community outreach
April 2020 edition of Church of Ireland Gazette is free online!
In a gesture of supportive outreach during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the Board of the Church of Ireland…
Changed times lead to new Church resources – ‘These Three…
'These Three Remain..' - a new initiative by PCI
As individuals and families across the country find their feet…
Could you be a phone or email volunteer for Deafblind UK?
Deafblind UK have been in touch with us to ask if any of our readers would be interested in becoming a phone or…
Beyond Corona – This Too Shall Pass | Christians Who Lead
Christians Who Lead founder and Director,Tommy Stewart, has penned the following short word of encouragement at…
The Bible Society NI present WOVEN : A Holy Week Devotional.
Download your free copy of WOVEN : A Holy Week Devotional from The Bible Society NI
Join The Bible Society NI,…