Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland at Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 4th October 2024

Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland at Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 4th October 2024

Members of the Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland will once again gather at Ballynahinch Baptist Church, 24 Lisburn Road, Ballynahinch BT24 8BL on Friday 4th October 2024 from 7pm-10pm for another fantastic evening of Gospel music.

Revealing more about October’s varied line-up, Alan Murphy told The Church Page:
“The Maybin family led by Carolyn Maybin with guitar and keyboard will be joining us. Dean Davidson is looking forward to singing accompanied by Laura Agnew on piano. Vivien Forsythe is doing a poem about a choir and Nell Hire will sing a piece. A Gospel youth choir will also bring a number of instruments, guitars, violins, drums, and keyboard.”

As always, members of the Gospel Music Club will be singing traditional Gospel Music, Southern/Country Gospel and Old Hymns. There will be solo artists, instrumentals and audience singing. Refreshments will also be served, and new club members are always welcome.

Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland at Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 4th October 2024

Remember that the Gospel Music Club happens on the first Friday of each month. Keep up to date with events by logging on to their Facebook page.

alan murphyballynahinchballynahinch baptist churchgospel musicgospel music club northern ireland