Timeless Theological Academy reopens in September 2024

Timeless Theological Academy reopens in September 2024

The Timeless Theological Academy, (TTA) is set to re-open on Monday 16th September 2024 with two courses on the early Autumn menu.

One is a new course called Old Testament Survey, which will be taught by Ian McCammon.
The hugely popular Early Church History module, with Danielle Patton, is also making a welcome return.

One of the tutors at TTA, Rev Dr Alistair Bates, is excited about what is to come. He told The Church Page:
“I cannot believe we begin again in less than a month; where does the time go! However, the team at TTA are really excited what we are doing locally and globally and you are helping us grow a global network of people who are teaching God’s Word.”

He added: “Ian thrilled us with his courses on Paul, the Man and Mission and Mission and is looking forward to taking us through a very brief, but I have seen the subjects, thrilling journey through the Old Testament.
“Danielle’s course is so accessible and informative that everyone will go away being thankful they enrolled.”

Alistair urged potential students to sign up quickly as he and the team are keen to reassure the seminar leaders of your support, and they also are conscious of the limitations of space. The course fees are the same as last years. These days that is four cups of coffee and a few scones. The links for registration are below.

Old Testament Survey –https://www.cognitoforms.com/TimelessTheologicalAcademy/RegisterInterestInOldTestamentSurvey

Early Church History 101 https://www.cognitoforms.com/TimelessTheologicalAcademy/ChurchHistory101RegistrationInterest

Timeless Theological Academy reopens in September 2024

Timeless Theological Academy may be running a course on Monday 9th September 2024. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for details. This would be a great night for those heading to university or simply wanting to improve their academic writing style. Limited to 20 places. Contact admin@timelesstheologicalacademy.com to register.

early church historyold testament surveyrev dr alistair batestimeless theological academy