Connor Big Sing // Sunday 22 September 2024

The Dean and Chapter of Lisburn Cathedral invite those interested in contemporary Christian music to a Sunday afternoon training session, and to the Connor Big Sing service taking place on Sunday, September 22, 2024 from 2:30pm – 9:00pm.

The last Connor Big Sing training day and service was held six years ago. The facilitators of the training will be the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Stephen McLoughlin, and the Cathedral’s Church Warden and until last year the leader of the Lisburn Community Choir and Children’s Choir, Julie Harper.

Stephen will offer training for musicians on some new contemporary Christian songs and on the coordination of music groups. Julie will provide training for the singers and will cover vocal training exercises, posture and communication.

Each church group should hopefully feel better equipped to go back to their parish with the confidence to use a wider variety of musical material.

The Dean of Connor, the Very Rev Sam Wright, said: “The return of the Connor Big Sing provides an opportunity for all who are interested in contemporary worship songs to be stirred up in heart, mind and spirit as we come together to learn some brilliant new songs to bless our churches and to encourage everyone to a deeper devotion and love for Jesus.

This article was written by Karen Bushby, Communions Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Connor.

big singconnor big singcontemporary christian musiclisburn cathedral