Call to Communion on Slemish Mountain // Saturday 14th September 2024

Call to Communion on Slemish Mountain // Saturday 14th September 2024

The Call to Communion on Slemish Mountain will take place at the very top end of the Carpark at Slemish on Saturday 14th September 2024 at 11am. (This is located at Carnstroan Lane, Broughshane, Ballymena, County Antrim BT42 4PE)

This event has been organised by Freedom Fire Ministries. Looking forward to it, their spokesperson told The Church Page:
“The Call to Communion on the top end of the carpark at Slemish Mountain was birthed by a prompt by the Holy Spirit. Here is what I saw: I saw people holding Communion on the top of Slemish. They climbed the mountain to call upon God for their land.
“Then I saw the blood of Jesus coming down from heaven, pouring out over Slemish and down the sides covering all of Ireland with a fresh move of the Holy Spirit.
“We believe that God is about to do a New thing in Ireland and so we are extending a Call to you, and an invite to come stand with us on Slemish Mountain, calling on God to move again over the Nation of Ireland.
“We are gathering at the top end of the carpark through the gate on the grass rather than at the top, due to unsafe pathways.”

For any more info, message the Freedom Fire Ministries Facebook page or email:

Call to Communion on Slemish Mountain // Saturday 14th September 2024

broughshanecall to communionfreedom fire ministriesslemish