Templepatrick Parish mission trip to Albania

The Rev Jeremy Mould, rector of Templepatrick Parish, led a team of seven including four young people on a mission trip to the city of Elbasan in the centre of Albania at the request of A2B Albania. There, they ran a Bible Holiday Club.

Joining Jeremy in Albania from July 16-25 were Emma Boyce, Anna, Glover, Carole Williamson and Denise Martin, all from Templepatrick, Hannah Collins from Central Presbyterian, and Nicole Rea from Mossley Parish.

A2B Albania (www.a2balbania.org) runs two children’s day care centres, an elderly day care centre, a House of Opportunity for three young men, and a Family Link project, supporting and feeding impoverished families.

The team ran a six-day Bible Holiday Club for 40+ children aged 5–16, visited the House of Opportunity, and two churches where they took part in the services. They also visited some of the Family Link families in Elbasan and in the mountains to see how A2B supports them.

The Templepatrick team – Denise, Carole, Nicole, Hannah, Jeremy, Emma and Anna.

This article was written by Karen Bushby, Communions Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Connor

a2balbaniaalbaniadiocese of connorrev jeremy mouldtemplepatricktemplepatrick parish