High Kirk Community Preschool Ballymena seek Preschool Leader

High Kirk Community Preschool Ballymena seek Preschool Leader

A vacancy has arisen at High Kirk Community Preschool Ballymena for a Preschool Leader, starting September 2024.
The successful candidate for this permanent 25.5 per week post will be required to meet the following criteria.


  • QCF Level 5 in Child Care Learning and Development (Management) or a relevant occupational
    qualification in Early Years Education or teaching qualification.
  • Minimum of two years paid experience working with children within the last five years in either
    Preschool, Foundation stage or Daycare setting.
  • Knowledge and understanding of NI Preschool Curriculum Guidelines.
  • Knowledge of Child Development including age-appropriate areas of learning.
  • Experience of developing long, medium and short-term planning for an early year setting.
  • Be able to demonstrate an understanding of developing policies and procedures.
  • Good understanding of child protection and the Minimum Standards for Childminding and Day Care
    for Children Under age 12.
  • Experience of observations and planning.
  • Ability to lead and work in a team.
  • Experience of managing staff and students, including staff appraisals.
  • Have experience of identifying children with SEN and an understanding of liaising with educational
    bodies and external agencies.
  • Essential skills and a good working knowledge of IT.
  • Be in sympathy with the beliefs and practices of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.


  • BA Hons Degree in Early Childhood studies or degree level teaching qualification.
  • Two years’ experience leading and supervising members of staff in an Early Years setting with
  • Have a FIT person assessment within the last three years.
  • Experience of ETI (Education and Training Inspectorate) inspections.
  • Experience of PSEEP (Pre-School Education Expansion Programme) funding

The successful applicant will be paid: £15.43 per hour.
For a job description and application form please click the following link – https://www.highkirkpreschool.co.uk/preschool-assistant-vacancy/ or contact:
High Kirk Church Office, 65-71 Thomas Street, Ballymena, BT43 6AZ. You can also Email: office@highkirk.org.uk

Closing Date: 12 noon on Monday 29 July 2024.