Paul and Cheryl McIntyre // New CEF Directors in Mid-Antrim

Paul and Cheryl McIntyre are the new Directors of the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Mid-Antrim.
Native to Randalstown, Paul, 34, is a former Oil Delivery Driver while Cheryl, 33, nee McClintock hails from Moorfields. The couple have two children, Mya, (5) and Micah, (2)

Sharing a little of his and Cheryl’s testimony, Paul said: “I was 10 years of age when I got saved. I was brought up in a home where the gospel was very central to family life. I went along to Church and Children’s Meetings where I heard of my need to be saved through the Lord Jesus. I remember giving out leaflets about becoming a Christian to people in my class.”

He added: “Unfortunately, when I went to Secondary School I got into the wrong company and didn’t keep my heart right. I started looking outside of my faith to things of the world and began to drink and party. However, the Lord really dealt with me and I came back to Him when I was 20 – it was then that I really started to live for God.”

Paul went on to say: “Cheryl also came from a Christian home and got saved aged 10 and didn’t stray from the Lord. When we came together and got married, we developed a love for children’s work.”

Together, Paul and Cheryl enjoyed doing Children’s Work in their home Church, Ballymena Free Presbyterian before the Lord began to place CEF on their hearts a few years ago.
After completing their training for full time ministry with CEF in Kilkeel, and at the Cornhill training course, Belfast, God began to steer the couple towards a potential location in which to serve.

Says Paul: “Mid-Antrim is our home area. We knew that it was vacant and we had such a burden for the people of Ballymena, Antrim and Larne. So that’s where we’ve begun our journey since April. We have been talking to ministers, pastors and school teachers, trying to come alongside them and show them the importance of teaching children the gospel effectively.”

Paul and Cheryl’s labour for the Lord is already bearing fruit as they have just opened a Good News Club in Randalstown Central, which is attended by 50 children.
“We love what we do”, smiles Paul. “God’s work is never easy because we have an enemy who does not want the Gospel going forward. However, Cheryl and I have a real burden to reach the children of Mid-Antrim. When God wants to use somebody in His service, He will. We just have to be faithful.”

If you would like to find out more about the work of CEF or would like to contact Paul and Cheryl about CEF Mid-Antrim, get in touch via their Facebook page.

cefchild evangelism fellowshipgood news clubpaul and cheryl mcintyre