Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland in Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 5 July 2024

Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland in Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 5 July 2024

Members of the Northern Ireland Gospel Music Club will once again gather at Ballynahinch Baptist Church, 24 Lisburn Road, Ballynahinch BT24 8BL on Friday 5th July 2024 from 7pm-10pm.

Revealing more about July’s sunny line-up, Alan Murphy told The Church Page: “We are looking forward to welcoming Aaron McKeag from Dundonald Elim as well as Victor Hutchinson, a fabulous accordion player and singer from Coleraine Baptist Church.

“Also joining us will be Sam Purdy Lisburn, singer, piano, banjo, mandolin, Gospel studio producer. We are also very excited that Janice Anderson from Ballymoney area is performing on stage. Janice has released several gospel albums, including the brilliant ‘When I Sing For Him’ which came out in 2019.”

As always, members of the Gospel Music Club will be singing traditional Gospel Music, Southern, Country Gospel & Old Hymns. There will also be solo artists, instrumentals and audience singing. Refreshments will also be served and new club members are always welcome.

Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland in Ballynahinch Baptist Church // Friday 5 July 2024

Anyone who comes along can also participate in a Gospel Sing-along at the end of the night. Remember that the Gospel Music Club happens on the first Friday of each month. Keep up to date with the Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland by logging on to their Facebook page.

alan murphyballynahinch baptist churchgospel music clubgospel music club northern ireland