Could YOU be the Emerging Generations Worker at Ballyloughan Church, Ballymena?

Could YOU be the Emerging Generations Worker at Ballyloughan Church, Ballymena?

Ballyloughan Church in Ballymena is seeking to appoint an Emerging Generations Worker to enhance their already vibrant work and witness within the surrounding community.

Rev Darran McCorriston told The Church Page: “We’re looking for someone with a passion for Jesus and deep heart for emerging generations. Working as part of our great Youth Ministry Teams, they will encourage and enable the development of emerging generations as apprentices of Jesus Christ, with a particular focus on the 11-18 age group.”

You can view information about the job including a Job Description and Personnel Specification on the church’s website –
The deadline for applications for this post is Friday 14th June.

Could YOU be the Emerging Generations Worker at Ballyloughan Church, Ballymena?

ballyloughanballyloughan churchemerging generations workerrev darren mccorristonyouth ministry