Sunflowers Widow’s Friendship Group Conference at The Ross Park Hotel, Kells // Sat 15 June 2024

Sunflowers Widow’s Friendship Group Conference at The Ross Park Hotel, Kells // Sat 15 June 2024

The Sunflowers Widow’s Friendship Group are holding a Widow’s Conference at the Ross Park Hotel, Kells on Saturday 15th June 2024, running from 10.30am-3pm.
The group was set up by Eleanor McKay following the sudden death of her husband, Dessie, on 21st August 2021.
She explained: “About a year after Dessie’s death, people stopped visiting and calling and I began to search for a widow’s fellowship where I could find how to navigate this new life which I didn’t want.
My search proved fruitless; nothing was available, and no-one understood how I felt.”

Eleanor went on to reveal that God clearly spoke to her through the first chapter of 2 Corinthians to let her know that she still had a work to do for Him. This task would involve helping others to get through a situation like her own:
“God brought other widows into my company; we started with four and now there are 38 women in our group of different ages and varying stages of widowhood. Our membership covers a vast geographical area”, added Eleanor.

“We laugh and we cry together; we go on holidays as well as getting together for dinner and coffee. We have a WhatsApp group where we have daily uplifting, reassuring scripture. We pray for one another, and we meet if someone is struggling. God has been more than we could imagine in His blessings, comfort and leading.

The conference is a means of outreach to other widows who may feel life for them has ended without their soulmate. Everyone who comes along will have the chance to be with other people who ‘get it.”

Eleanor promised a lovely day of praise to our Lord as our defender and guide.
Vi Dawson, who is a widow herself, is looking forward to being the guest speaker. A light lunch will be served and there will be the opportunity for anyone who wants prayer to receive it.

The cost of attending the Sunflowers Widow’s Friendship Group conference will be £17 with lunch included in the price.
To book your place, ring 07831 220 788 or email:

Sunflowers Widow’s Friendship Group Conference at The Ross Park Hotel, Kells // Sat 15 June 2024

eleanor mckaykellsross park hotelsunflowers widow's friendship groupvi dawsonwidow's fellowshipwidowhood