New Venue for Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland / Ballynahinch Baptist Church / Friday 3 May 2024

New Venue for Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland / Ballynahinch Baptist Church / Friday 3 May 2024

Due to the increasing popularly of the Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland, organisers have decided to move to Ballynahinch Baptist Church, Lisburn Road, Ballynahinch to accommodate the numbers of people attending each month. Friday 3rd May 2024 will see Club members gather at their new home for the first time from 7pm-10pm.

Looking forward to the night, Alan Murphy told The Church Page:
“We really enjoyed meeting at our previous location of Drumbo Presbyterian Church and we are grateful to everyone there for their hospitality. However, it is brilliant to see our event growing and we are thankful that God has opened the door for us to get together at Ballynahinch Baptist Church from now on.”

Alan added: “Our next meeting promises to be special as we welcome Laurence Chewning from the USA in tradition with familiar friends like Joanne Fulton, the Testify trio not to mention John Wylie and the Country Gospel Group. Completing this month’s line-up will be David Strange and Raymond Crooks.
This will also be the one chance to hear the writer of the classic Gospel song: ‘The Anchor Holds.’
As always, members of the Gospel Music Club Choir will be singing traditional Gospel Music, Southern/Country Gospel/Old Hymns/solo artists/instrumentals and audience singing. Refreshments will also be served, and new club members are always welcome. Acoustic musicians are also invited to take part in a superjam.”

Remember that the Gospel Music Club takes place on the first Friday of each month. Ballynahinch Baptist Church is located at 24 Lisburn Road, Ballynahinch BT24 8BL

New Venue for Gospel Music Club Northern Ireland / Ballynahinch Baptist Church / Friday 3 May 2024

Keep up to date with the Gospel Music Club on their Facebook page.

alan murphyballynahinchballynahinch baptist churchgospel musicgospel music clubgospel music club northern irelandlaurence chewning