Coffee Morning Fundraiser at St Jude’s Parish Church, Muckamore // Saturday 27 April 2024

Coffee Morning Fundraiser at St Jude’s Parish Church, Muckamore // Saturday 27 April 2024

Members of St Jude’s Parish Church in Muckamore, Antrim would love you to join them on Saturday 27th April 2024 for a special coffee morning and fundraising event from 10am-12noon.

A spokesperson for the Parish told The Church Page:
“Help us to raise funds for the acquisition of a defibrillator by being part of a specially organised Coffee Morning. In addition to the hot drinks and sweet treats, there will be a petting farm, a car wash, cake sale, plants, crafts and more.”

Everyone is welcome. St Jude’s address is Oldstone Road, Muckamore, Antrim BT41 4SP. You can keep up to date with what’s happening at the Grouped Parishes of Muckamore and Killead on their Facebook page.

Coffee Morning Fundraiser at St Jude’s Parish Church, Muckamore // Saturday 27 April 2024

antrimcoffee morningdefibrillatorgrouped parishes of muckamore and killeadmuckamorest jude's parish church