Timeless Theological Academy library now open on Larne Street, Ballymena!

Timeless Theological Academy library now open on Larne Street, Ballymena!

The Timeless Theological Academy Library is now open to members of the public and can be accessed every Thursday evening from 7.00-9.00 PM at the college premises at 41-43 Larne Street, Ballymena.

Revealing more, TTA Communications Officer, Joe Boyd, said: “We are very excited to be in a position to open the Timeless Theological Academy Library to interested members of the public as it is probably the only resource of its kind available in the area”

“Currently, we have over 3500 theological and Christian books at our facility, and we are adding to that number each week. With a low annual fee of £20, we can continue to support our ministry and mission. We are open every Thursday night from 7.00-9.00 PM. However, books can be reserved online.”

Rev Alistair Bates, a lecturer at TTA, went on to say: “As of this week, the Timeless Theological Academy library is fully functional. If this is something you would like to consider, it is only £10 yearly membership for our students. I think that is a real bargain considering the price of the books. Navigate to the library website and by clicking on the donate button, you will be taken to the payment page. After you do that, we will notify you of your membership details. Currently, a member can take out up to four books. You can complete a digital browse, and once you are a member, books can be placed on hold and picked up at our facility at the designated opening times. Or, if you would prefer to browse the shelves on a Thursday night, select a book and sign it out whilst on the premises.

Until the end of May 2024, there is a free book giveaway for new members. Check our website www.ttalibrary.com for details and get a great introduction to what we hope will be a well-used facility. We believe there is great value in a book you can physically open and read, relax, enjoy, or be deeply challenged.” The proceeds from library membership enable us to produce free material to help teach theology to church leaders and workers in the majority world. Many of them may not have the same access to resources that we have in the developed world.”

Timeless Theological Academy library now open on Larne Street, Ballymena!
ballymenachristian bookslarne streettimeless theological academytimeless theological academy library