Wesley Kerr returns to Kenya with Life-Line Ministries

Wesley Kerr returns to Kenya with Life-Line Ministries

Wesley Kerr, Founder of Life-line Ministries, (Ireland) will be setting off to Kenya and Uganda on 4th April 2024 returning home on 16th May 2024. As always he will face many challenges as poverty continues to increase in Kenya.

The ministry has particular needs at the children’s home and with the street children. Three of their Life-Line churches need keyboards and PA systems. You may ask why they need these! Kenyan people like worship and preaching to be loud, so that it is heard in the local area far beyond the church building.

Wesley Kerr returns to Kenya with Life-Line Ministries

A spokesperson for Life-Line Ministries urged the public to get behind this latest expedition;
“We would ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation towards the work in Kenya. You can do so by bank transfer to the charity account , sort code 08-92-99 and account number 67276974, or by PayPal to lifeline.ministries.ireland@gmail.com. If using PayPal please send as to a friend or family so that we are not charged fees.
Cheques or cash can be left into the charity shop or contact Wesley or Audrey.

Matt 25 v 40 “Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me”
Keep up to date with everything that’s happening at Life-Line Ministries (Ireland) by logging on to https://www.facebook.com/lifelineministriesireland

life-line ministriespovertywesley kerr