Christ For All Nations Evangelism Workshop at Portadown YMCA // Saturday 9 March 2024

Christ For All Nations Evangelism Workshop at Portadown YMCA // Saturday 9 March 2024

An Evangelism Workshop being run by Christ For All Nations will be held at Portadown YMCA on Saturday 9th March 2024.

Here is a little about what to expect:
Learn proven strategies and practical tools for effective one-to-one evangelism and beyond.
Expert Guidance: Receive training from CfaN-ordained evangelists with a wealth of experience in global evangelism.
Diverse Training Options: From one-to-one evangelism to various other approaches, we tailor our training to meet your unique needs.
Community of Believers: Connect, grow, and share with a passionate and supportive community of fellow believers.

A spokesperson for Christ For All Nations said:
“The harvest is ready, but are you? Come and be trained by Christ for all Nations on how to effectively win souls one at a time.
With a legacy of 50 years and over 89 million documented salvations worldwide, our many CfaN-ordained evangelists are ready to empower your church.”

They added: “Join us as we gather to change the culture of evangelism within the UK Church. Together, we can have a long-lasting impact by inspiring and equipping believers to confidently share their faith and reach communities with the message of hope.
We aim to organise and plan impactful CfaN Evangelism Workshops throughout the UK. These workshops will empower individuals, enhance their evangelistic skills and foster a vibrant culture of evangelism within the Church.”

Register for this FREE event at Christ For All Nations Evangelism Workshop on Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 10:00 AM on the Eventbrite website.

Christ For All Nations Evangelism Workshop at Portadown YMCA // Saturday 9 March 2024

christ for all nationsevangelismevangelism workshopevangelistsportadown ymca