‘A warm glow in a cold dark place’ – Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal

‘A warm glow in a cold dark place’ – Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal

Support from Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal gives hope as families receive wood-burning stoves in Ukraine.

Two hundred and fifty wood-burning stoves have been distributed in the Kharkiv region by Habitat for Humanity Ukraine in recent months. Many arrived just in time for Christmas, and all will keep families warm and allow them to cook simple meals.

‘A warm glow in a cold dark place’ - Church of Ireland Bishops' Appeal
Some stoves in storage ready for distribution in Ukraine

The current situation in Ukraine is challenging with more airstrikes, less support, and a general concern about the most vulnerable. The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for World Aid and Development funds raised for people displaced in and from Ukraine by the war, continue to support Habitat for Humanity’s work.

‘A warm glow in a cold dark place’ - Church of Ireland Bishops' Appeal

Warren, a Habitat volunteer, describes the difference the stoves make, saying: “They help not just physically but mentally. A warm glow in a cold dark place, something life-sustaining to tend to and have some control over in these uncertain and difficult times.”

In Romania, as well as support for Ukrainian refugees, the Government has asked Habitat to assist 400 people who have links to Romania and who have been evacuated from Gaza. Habitat has provided some nights in a hotel to allow them to catch their breath, helped them plan their next steps, and provided social housing.

To find out how you can donate to Bishops’ Appeal online, by cheque or standing order, or through your parish, please visit: https://bishopsappeal.ireland.anglican.org/give

church of irelandchurch of ireland bishops' appealhabitat for humanityhabitat for humanity ukraine