‘Tending To My Thoughts’ – a new book by Sharon Hastings

‘Tending To My Thoughts’ – a new book by Sharon Hastings

Tending to My Thoughts‘ continues the story of Sharon Hastings, a medical doctor and Christian living with severe mental illness. Her personal experience of recovery offers a starting point to help readers think through what recovery could look like for them or their loved ones.

Peppered with personal anecdotes, shot through with medical knowledge and chock-full of helpful explanation, this book inspires hope and provides evidence that life with mental illness can improve. Sharon Hastings writes to encourage those who walk alongside people who are suffering, as well as to equip individual Christians and churches to effectively support those in recovery, particularly from severe mental illness.

Here are a few comments about the book –

‘Wise and real.’ Emma Scrivener

‘A book that needs to be read by every pastor.’ Rachael Newham

‘I recommend it unreservedly.’ Revd Will van der Hart

‘Threaded with realism, practicality and hope.’ Mark Meynell

'Tending To My Thoughts' - a new book by Sharon Hastings

Here is a little of Sharon’s story.

She writes:
‘A primary school teacher told my parents I should become an author. I took a rather circuitous route! Driven by a love of people, I went to medical school and graduated as a doctor. However, I was soon diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a severe mental illness which left me unable to practice.

In 2018, I wrote about my journey through depression, mania, and psychosis – and discovering God’s strength in a place of brokenness – in “Wrestling With My Thoughts” (IVP, 2020).

Five years on, I completed a memoir of recovery, “Tending To My Thoughts” (IVP, 2024), outlining my path towards wholeness: today, I am not cured, but I have a life full of meaning.

I live in Northern Ireland with my husband, Rob, our son, and two golden retrievers. I’m a part-time Peer Trainer in an NHS Recovery College, and I’m involved in a vibrant church. I love reading (mostly popular science and memoir), music, meditation, and all kinds of exercise.’

‘Tending To My Thoughts’, published by IVP is available to buy now via https://ivpbooks.com/tending-to-my-thoughts or https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/author/B084FXN16K/about

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