Lylehill Christians show God’s love to cancer patients as they donate to Cancer Focus NI

Lylehill Christians show God’s love to cancer patients as they donate to Cancer Focus NI

The members of Lylehill Presbyterian Church are noted for their generosity and kindness. Recently, they demonstrated God’s love in action again by providing a very welcome donation to Cancer Focus NI just before Christmas. A spokesperson for the congregation told us: “At our Annual Carol Service we presented a cheque to Rosie from Cancer Focus NI for £300, which was the proceeds from the fireside quiz sales that we sold during the summer.”

Included in the photo are from left to right: Uel Jameson (The Church was raising money for a cancer charity as his wife is suffering from a form of cancer), Rosie from Cancer Focus and Rev Billy Hamilton Assistant to the Convenor.

Lylehill Christians show God's love to cancer patients as they donate to Cancer Focus NI

Do please check out their website for more information on their work and available services

cancer focus nicancer patientsgod's love in actionlylehilllylehill presbyterian church