Christmas Concert at Drummaul Parish Church, Randalstown // Thursday 7th December 2023

Christmas Concert at Drummaul Parish Church, Randalstown // Thursday 7th December 2023

You are invited to a Christmas Concert that will be held in Drummaul Parish Church, 4 Church Road, Randalstown BT41 AJ on Thursday 7th December 2023 at 7.30pm.

There will be lots to enjoy from Kellswater Flute Band, Staffordstown Accordion Band, Gospel Knights Choir and the Lutton Family.

No ticket is required although donations in aid of Church Funds will be welcome. Refreshments will be served after the concert.

Christmas Concert at Drummaul Parish Church, Randalstown // Thursday 7th December 2023

Keep up-to-date with events at Drummaul Parish Church on their Facebook page.

christmas concertdrummaul parish churchgospel knights choirkellswater flute bandlutton familyrandalstownstaffordstown accordion band