‘A Doctor’s Path To Healing’ – a new book by Dr Audrey Johnston

‘A Doctor’s Path To Healing’ – a new book by Dr Audrey Johnston

‘A Doctor’s Path to Healing’ is a new book by Dr Audrey Johnston (nee Gilchrist.)

Audrey was born again at the age of fourteen and two years later responded to God’s call to train as a medical doctor. Despite her own health problems, she worked first as a hospital doctor and then as a general practitioner from 1983 until 2010. She took early retirement at the age of 51 because of an arthritic condition which like other illnesses, God would heal her of. Through her ministry of ‘Carry My Healing’, numerous people have been touched locally and internationally.

Audrey went on to say: “This book has been written with much prayer. I am not the focus of the book; my Lord and Saviour is. To God be all the glory. Some people who are reading this will know my testimony, but I felt led to write it down to glorify God for healing me six times and to encourage others who are seeking His healing touch.”

“A Doctor’s Path to Healing can be brought through my website: www.CarryMyHealing.com  It is also for sale in the Lifeline Ministries charity shop, 1 Pat’s Brae, Ballymena at a price of £8.75. It will also be in Faith Mission bookshops and on Amazon.  However, I will recoup my costs more quickly if people buy direct from me – that is something that only a Ballymena woman would think about”, adds the retired GP with a smile.

'A Doctor's Path To Healing' - a new book by Dr Audrey Johnston
a doctor's path to healingcarry my healingdr audrey johnstonlifeline ministriesnew book