‘It’s Time…’ Prayer Gathering at Belfast City Hall // Sunday 29th October 2023

‘It’s Time…’ Prayer Gathering at Belfast City Hall // Sunday 29th October 2023

‘It’s time with one voice to gather to pray’, is an event that will take place at Belfast City Hall on Sunday 29th October 2023 at 3pm.
This event has been organised by Healing the Land, a group of people who are striving to see people live their lives to the full for Jesus.

Looking ahead to the prayer event, their spokesperson told us:
“We believe this will be a once in a generation event; an opportunity for people, young and old, to humbly gather shoulder to shoulder, in unity with one voice to pray about all that is happening throughout this land and to it’s people. It’s time!

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

Save the date, plan to attend and please help us spread the word!”

'It's Time...' Prayer Gathering at Belfast City Hall // Sunday 29th October 2023

For more information, visit the event created on Facebook for ‘It’s time with one voice to gather to pray’

belfast city hallhealing the landprayer gathering