Cross Community Service of Thanksgiving at All Saints’ Church Ballymena // Tues 26 September 2023

Cross Community Service of Thanksgiving at All Saints’ Church Ballymena // Tues 26 September 2023

A Cross Community Service of Thanksgiving will take place at All Saints’ Church on the Broughshane Road in Ballymena on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7.30pm. (Refreshments can be enjoyed at 8.30pm.)

This event is being brought to you by the Ballymena Church Members’ Forum in partnership with the town’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Ballymena Business Improvement District. (BID)

A spokesperson for the organisers encouraged as many people as possible to come along:

“We would invite representatives of any businesses or community groups who plan to attend to bring a selection of appropriate promotional material which will be displayed on the evening in the Parish Centre. This could be information about, for example, their ethos/background, employment, or volunteering opportunities.”

“Please join us as we say thanks to our local community and show support during these challenging times.  The doors will open at All Saints’ Church at 7pm and everyone is welcome.”

Cross Community Service of Thanksgiving at All Saints’ Church Ballymena // Tues 26 September 2023

Find more information on the Ballymena Church Members’ Forum on their Facebook page.

all saints churchall saints church ballymenaballymenaballymena business improvement districtballymena church members forumchamber of commerce and industrycommunity groupscross communitycross community service