Four new deacons were ordained recently to serve in Connor Diocese by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison.
At Belfast Cathedral, Shona Bell was ordained to serve in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Ballywillan, Portrush; Melanie Sloan to serve in St Patrick’s Parish, Broughshane; and Cameron Mack to serve in Belfast Cathedral.

Brian Shaw was ordained an OLM deacon in Agherton Parish, with the Rev Malcolm Ferry, rector and Bishop George Davison.
Earlier in the day, in Agherton Parish, Portstewart, Brian Shaw was ordained as an OLM deacon.
Bishop George was assisted by the Archdeacons of Connor, Dalriada and Belfast and the Director of Ordinands, the Rev Canon Kevin Graham. The preacher was the Rev Dr Andrew Campbell, rector of Skerry, Rathcavan & Newtowncrommelin (Broughshane), with the rector of Ballywillan, the Rev Canon Peter McDowell and the Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev Stephen Forde, also assisting with the service.
Master of Music, Jack Wilson, and Assistant Organist, Stephen Hamill, led the new Cathedral Choir in its first public appearance since its formation following Mr Wilson’s arrival earlier this year.
In a separate service in Agherton Parish, Portstewart, Brain Shaw was ordained as an OLM Deacon by Bishop George.
The Ordination of Priests for Connor Diocese took place on Sunday September 10, 2023, with the Revs Lee Boal and Gareth Campbell being ordained priests in Lisburn Cathedral in the afternoon (service began at 3.30pm) and the Rev Claire Thompson being ordained an OLM priest in All Saints’ Parish Church, Antrim, at the 11am service.
Read more news from Connor Diocese on their website.
This article was written by Karen Bushby, Communications Officer for the Church of Ireland Diocese of Connor.