LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group lunch // Tuesday 5 September 2023

LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group lunch // Tuesday 5 September 2023

The LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group (Innisrush) will recommence on Tuesday 5th September 2023.

In a change to the usual format, the first meeting of the year will take the form of lunch at FRYDAYS Restaurant, which is located on Portglenone’s Main Street. The meal will begin at 12noon, and all ladies are welcome whether you are new to LESS ONE or if you have been before.

From October onwards, the group will meet at their usual venue, First Portglenone Presbyterian Church Hall at 10.30am on the first Tuesday of each month. Once again, Angela Whyte and her team at LESS ONE are grateful to the Minister and session of First Portglenone Presbyterian Church for use of their facilities.

LESS ONE is open to all ladies who are living alone. Free parking is available in the Church Car Park.  Anyone who needs a lift to LESS ONE should let Angela or one of the team know and they will collect you. Simply telephone: 028 2582 1883.

LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group lunch // Tuesday 5 September 2023
LESS ONE Ladies Friendship Group will meet for lunch in Frydays, Main St, Portglenone on Tues 5th September at 12noon
angela whytefirst portglenone presbyterian churchfrydays restaurantladies who are living aloneless one ladies friendship groupportglenone