Embracing Your Shadow: A Pastoral Response to Involuntary Childlessness – Part-time Course at Belfast Bible College

Embracing Your Shadow: A Pastoral Response to Involuntary Childlessness – Part-time Course at Belfast Bible College

Embracing Your Shadow: A Pastoral Response to Involuntary Childlessness is the tile of a part-time course starting at Belfast Bible College in Dunmurry in October 2023.

This eight-week programme will begin on Tuesday 10th October and run until 24th October before taking a break and then continuing from Tuesday, 14th November until Tuesday 12th December 2023.  (Each class will take place between 7.30pm-9.15pm)

Presbyterian Minister and adjunct lecturer at various colleges, Rev Dr Alistair Bates will lead the course on a subject that is, to use his own words, ‘very close to his heart.’ Alistair’s PhD in Practical Theology focused on involuntary childlessness among Christian couples. A Presbyterian minister for over 28 years, Alistair’s approach is informed both from academia and practical experience.

In speaking with Alistair, he is interested in exploring this subject with anyone who has, or is currently facing the challenge that childlessness brings. He also stressed, that anyone involved in pastoral ministry may find it a useful way re-engaging with this sensitive pastoral issue. Alistair is currently co-authoring a book on the subject and he will reflect on the student response from those attending the course in his final chapter. He would be delighted to see you there.

The fee for Embracing Your Shadow: A Pastoral Response to Involuntary Childlessness part-time course is £80 per person. To register your interest, email: pastoralresponses@belfastbiblecollege.ac.uk and to enroll, click on the link: Book Now – Belfast Bible College – Christian College

Embracing Your Shadow: A Pastoral Response to Involuntary Childlessness - Part-time Course at Belfast Bible College
belfast bible collegechristian couplesinfertilityinvoluntary childlessnessrev dr alistair bates