Tractor Drive-In Service for Air Ambulance NI at Dunseverick Baptist Church – Sat 22 July 2023

Tractor Drive-In Service for Air Ambulance NI at Dunseverick Baptist Church – Sat 22 July 2023

A Tractor Drive-In Service in support of the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland will take place in the Car Park at Dunseverick Baptist Church, Bushmills, Co. Antrim on Saturday 22nd July 2023 at 7.30pm.

Caddy farmer, George Barkley will be the speaker and John Porter is looking forward to ministering in song; there will also be a free barbeque.

A freewill offering for the Air Ambulance NI will be taken.

Air Ambulance NI is more than a charity to Pastor Billy Jones and his family as on 20th July 2018 his daughter Rebekah was involved in a serious Road Traffic collision near Saintfield, County Down. The Air Ambulance Doctor with help from Ambulance, Fire and Police Services battled to keep Rebekah alive and on the way to the Trauma Unit at Royal Victoria Hospital the Air Ambulance Doctor had to resuscitate Rebekah.

Pastor Jones added: “Simply without the medical expertise of the Air Ambulance crew, Rebekah would not have survived her injuries, this offering at the Tractor Drive-in Service on the fifth anniversary of Rebekah’s accident is a token of our appreciation to AANI and will help to save others’ lives.  Rebekah who had graduated as a physio, thanks God for her salvation both physically and spiritually. In October she is going to serve the Lord as a medic on board Mercy Ship in Sierra Leone in West Africa for three months.”

Tractor Drive-In Service for Air Ambulance NI at Dunseverick Baptist Church – Sat 22 July 2023

Dunseverick Baptist Church is located at 200 Whitepark Road, Bushmills and you can find out more about the fellowship on their Facebook page.

aaniair ambulance niair ambulance northern irelandbushmillsdunseverick baptist churchpastor billy jonestractor drive-in service