‘Moving Mountains’ Worship Event at Slemish // Friday 28 July 2023

‘Moving Mountains’ Worship Event at Slemish // Friday 28 July 2023

A Christian Worship event organised by local group, ‘Moving Mountains’ is being planned for Friday 28th July 2023 to take place at the foot of Slemish, outside Broughshane, from 8:15pm.

Worship will be led by the Buckna Praise Group and Trevor Gillanders is looking forward to being the speaker.

Looking forward to the night, a spokesperson for the organisers told us: “We are excited to announce that we are bringing back our Christian Worship Event at the foot of Slemish for 2023! Buckna Praise group will be performing live and Trevor Gillanders will be speaking. The event is once again being held in the open air on the grassy slopes of Slemish so please bring along appropriate clothing, footwear and either a rug or a cushion to sit on. The evening is open to people of all ages, and everyone will be made very welcome.

“So come join us and let’s give glory to the creator of all things in the midst of his marvellous creation.”

'Moving Mountains' Worship Event at Slemish // Wed 28 June 2023

Keep up to date with ‘Moving Mountains’ events and news on their Facebook page.

broughshanebuckna praise bandchristian worshipmoving mountainsslemishtrevor gillanders