‘On The Case’ HBC at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena // Mon 26 – Thurs 29 June 2023

‘On The Case’ HBC at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena // Mon 26 – Thurs 29 June 2023

‘On The Case’ is the theme for this year’s Holiday Bible Club organized by Hillside Community Church, Doury Road, Ballymena, which will run from Monday 26th to Thursday 29th June 2023.

Dunclug Primary School will be the venue for the event, which will run from 7pm-8.30pm each evening. The HBC is open to children who are currently attending P1-P7 in school.

As always, there will be quizzes, stories and refreshments as members spend the week helping Hillside’s Senior Detectives solve the most important case yet.

Why not put the date in your diary and take your primary age young ones along to ‘On The Case’ HBC at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena.

Find out more about the Church on their Facebook page.

'On The Case' HBC at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena // Mon 26 - Thurs 29 June 2023
ballymenadunclug primary schoolhillside community churchholiday bible clubon the case