‘Letters For Exiles – Faithful Living in a Faithless World’ // A New Book by Andy Lamberton

‘Letters For Exiles – Faithful Living in a Faithless World’ // A New Book by Andy Lamberton

‘Letters for Exiles’ – Faithful Living in a Faithless World’ is a new book by well-known musician, speaker and Director of the Exodus Legacy Project, Andy Lamberton.

Talking about why he wrote this book, Andy said: “I am more convinced than ever that Jesus is the only way. There is nothing on offer today that even comes close to the sense-making, life-transforming, sin-forgiving, future-securing, truth-revealing invitation from Jesus: to come and follow me. 

“Yet the world is changing. And it’s tempting to think that things are only going one way. But read the story of Daniel, and you will see, that while it would have been easy to think Nebuchazzer held all the power, it is the faithful choices of a few devoted disciples who change the course of history.

“I wrote this book to give perspective. To give confidence, to encourage young Christians that when they follow Jesus they never miss out. 

Explaining what inspired his words, Andy went on to say: “Daniel was young when he was taken, yet against the odds, lived a long high-achieving life. As you read, you have to ask: who inspired this wisdom, this ambition, this level of conviction we so desperately need in the church today? 

“As a youth leader, I began to wonder, who was Daniel’s mentor? and what would they say if I got the chance to interview them? 

“I was mentoring two young men at the time. I could see Daniel-like gifting in them; I could also see the pull of the world. I wanted Daniel’s mentor to disciple them. But not having time-travel at my disposal, I decided to do the study, enter the story and try to think through the kind of advice Daniel would have received in his younger days that stood him so well. 

“This book is a genuine attempt at that. Does it relate to our cultural moment? You’ll have to read to find out. I can only tell you I’ve tried my best to be as real and pure as I can.  

“The letters are of course pretend letters. I hope you can pretend they are for you.”

While revealing that: ‘Letters For The Exiles’ has a lot to say to young people, Andy added: “With three sections and short chapters, this book is ideal for small groups, mentoring, as a present for someone going to University or if you want a deep-dive into how we follow Jesus in a changing world. Included in the book are questions to think about, as well as ‘time to discuss’ to aid personal reflection and group study.

Talking about his hopes for Letters For Exiles, Andy also told us:

“The body of Christ needs grounded young people more than ever, to help us navigate the secularisation and fear of the coming decade. When I look at the church today I do see the flaking numbers and the same old prodigal stories but I also see an increasing number of deep young people, who understand their faith, who love God, and earth their ambition in the core principles of Christian living. I see Daniels everywhere who do not fear today’s world but see the opportunity for mission, and seek the peace of their city.”

‘Letters For Exiles - Faithful Living in a Faithless World’ // A New Book by Andy Lamberton

You can get your copy of ‘Letters For Exiles – Faithful Living in a Faithless World’, priced £7.99, from all good Christian bookshops. Alternatively, you can grab a copy online via the 10 of those website.

andy lambertonchristian livingencourage young christiansexodus legacy projectletters for exiles - faithful living in a faithless world