Care for the Family Widowed Young Support Weekend

Care for the Family Widowed Young Support Weekend

Care for the Family are offering those widowed young the chance to take a short break this summer (3-4 June 2023) at their Widowed Young Support Weekend event.

A spokesperson for the organisation told us: “We are delighted to offer a short stay Widowed Young Support support event set in the stunning location of Corrymeela on the North Coast of Northern Ireland, near Ballycastle.

Care for the Family Widowed Young Support Weekend

“This is a bespoke time for you to step away from the pressures of daily life and  and enjoy some protected self care in the presence of others who are travelling a similar journey and understand the challenges first hand.

“Our short stay starts on Saturday 3 June 2023 with registration and refreshments from 9.00am and the first session beginning at 10am. The cost of £80 per person includes en-suite accommodation, meals and refreshments throughout, and we will finish no later than 3.00pm on Sunday 4 June 2023.”

Widowed Young Support offers support to those living in the UK or Northern Ireland who have lost their partner up to 50 years of age (or older if they still have dependent children living at home).

The closing date for booking for this event is Friday 5th May. Please click on this link or the image below for more information and to book. 

Care for the Family Widowed Young Support Weekend
ballycastlecare for the familycorrymeelawidowed young supportyoung widows