‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ at West Church Ballymena // 29 April 2023

‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ at West Church Ballymena // 29 April 2023

West Presbyterian Church in Ballymena proudly presents ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ on Saturday 29th April 2023. The evening will run from 7.30pm-9:30pm.

Hosted by Sam Murray and Kendal Walker, this will feature lots of movie theme tunes.

Sam and Kendal said: “This is certain to be a colourful and exciting extravaganza of musical pieces from West Church’s Choir and Orchestra alongside some special guests. The music will be based on many movie greats that will be sure to get your feet tapping in your seats.”

“Subscriptions will be taken at the door (adults £10, concessions £5, children free) and proceeds from the evening will go to Antrim Area Hospital Neo-Natal Unit.”

You also have the option of reserving your tickets by logging on to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/saturday-night-at-the-movies-registration-531785343277

We hope to see you there! The church address is 19 Ballymoney Road, Ballymena BT43 5BS

'Saturday Night at the Movies' at West Church Ballymena // 29 April 2023
antrim area hospitalballymenakendal walkersam murraysaturday night at the movieswest church ballymenawest presbyterian church