Presbyterians plan Easter Sunday Dawn Services 2023

Presbyterians plan Easter Sunday Dawn Services 2023

Each year, as the day dawns on Easter Sunday morning, Presbyterians across Ireland come together at various outdoor locations to celebrate and worship the risen Lord Jesus, proclaiming “He is risen!”

Plans for Easter Sunday Dawn Services 2023 have been completed, and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland has compiled a list of upwards of 30 venues where these are taking place. The venues have been organised by local congregations, or gatherings involving Presbyterian churches and others in the local community. Many more will also take place that aren’t listed, so look out for details in your local church or area.

Presbyterians plan Easter Sunday Dawn Services 2023

With the earliest services beginning at 6am (weather permitting of course), they vary in format involving praise, prayer, scripture readings and a short address. Some even offer a tasty breakfast afterwards. This is a tradition that goes back many generations.

For details and venues of PCI’s Easter Sunday Dawn Services 2023, please visit – and as you will see there are venues as far north as the Giant’s Causeway to Dublin and Wicklow in the south and many places in between.

Why not get your Easter Sunday morning off to a great start by attending one of these services and focusing on the real meaning of Easter as we celebrate the risen Christ!

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