Moving Mountains Easter Crusade // 31 March – 2 April 2023

Moving Mountains Easter Crusade // 31 March – 2 April 2023

‘Moving Mountains Easter Crusade’ will take place at 36, Clonetrace Road, Broughshane from Friday 31st March 2023 until Sunday 2nd April 2023 at 8.15pm each evening. Those attending the three-night event will hear messages from Paul Bowman, Leslie Addis, and Andrew Mullan.

A spokesperson for the organisers told us: “As the Easter crusade is rapidly approaching, we invite you to join us with us for special times of prayer held in the shed at 36 Clonetrace Road, Broughshane. These gatherings have been taking place every Saturday night since Saturday 4th March 2023 at 8pm leading up to the start of the Crusade.

“The prayer times are open to everyone to attend, don’t worry if you are not able to stay for the whole duration of the evening, but we would wholeheartedly encourage you to come and seek God’s face as we pray that souls would be saved, broken hearts restored and that above all, GOD’S name would be glorified.”

Moving Mountains Easter Crusade // Fri 31 March - Sun 2 April 2023

More details are on the Moving Mountains Easter Crusade Facebook page.

Everyone is welcome.

broughshaneeastereaster crusademoving mountains - an easter crusade