‘Window of Kindness’ initiative at The Venue in Ballymena

‘Window of Kindness’ initiative at The Venue in Ballymena

Another cold spell is upon us, and the team at The Venue in Ballymena want to make sure everyone has a suitable coat for all weather. Thanks to donations from the local community you can pick up a coat, if you need one, for FREE!

Just pop into The Venue, Broughshane Street, Ballymena between 10am-2pm Monday-Friday and the team will help you find something suitable for you and your family. You can also grab a free cuppa and treat whilst you are there.

Doreen Armstrong, who manages The Venue is delighted to be overseeing this ‘Window of Kindness’ initiative. She said: “Thank you to everyone in the local community who have donated coats and jackets. There are so many to choose from and something suitable for all. Chat to the team and will help you find the right fit.”

Donations of coats are still being accepted at The Venue, so why not have a look in your wardrobe and see if you have any you are no longer using but which could be very useful to someone else, especially in this cold snap.

'Window of Kindness' initiative at The Venue in Ballymena

For more information about everything else that’s happening at The Venue in Ballymena, visit their Facebook page.

ballymenadoreen armstronglocal communitythe venuethe venue ballymenawindow of kindness