Rose Conference NI at Ballymena Elim // Saturday 22nd April 2023

Rose Conference NI at Ballymena Elim // Saturday 22nd April 2023

Rose Conference NI is a conference for women that will take place at Ballymena Elim Pentecostal Church on Saturday 22nd April 2023. The theme will be CALLED TO MORE

It provides ladies with the opportunity to take time out from the business of everyday life to join with women of all ages and all backgrounds for an amazing day of teaching, worship, ministry in song and prayer. Organisers of the Conference have sent us some information about this year’s event.

  • We are CALLED TO MORE than just enough.
  • We are CALLED TO MORE than just mediocre.
  • We are CALLED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this world.
  • We are CALLED TO BE AN INFLUENCE to those we live among. 
  • We are CALLED TO RUN THIS RACE of life effectively for God.

Our speakers this year: –

Pastor Angela Ifonlaja – Place of Victory for All Nations (PVN) Belfast

We welcome Angela back to Rose NI 2023. She will be leading us in worship, but we are also delighted to have Angela as one of our speakers this year. Angela and her husband Chris are the Pastors of Place of Victory for All Nations Church, Belfast. (PVN). She is an international conference speaker as well as a recording Artist.

Rose Conference NI at Ballymena Elim // Saturday 22nd April 2023

Pastor Nikki Bain – Vibe Armagh

Pastor Nikki Bain is making her first visit to Rose NI. Nikki pastors alongside her husband Darryl at the “Vibe” Church, a growing vibrant church in Armagh. Nikki with her husband Darryl have a ‘Nothing is Impossible’ attitude to seeing the Kingdom come in Armagh and beyond. They believe now is our time to rise up and live in the fulness that God has for us.

PVN CHOIR–  Belfast

Returning to lead us in worship are the PVN choir Belfast; they are such great friends of Ballymena Elim. They are a passionate group of people who want to see Gods people worship him in Spirit and truth and we were thoroughly blessed by them last year.

Guest Singer: Sharon Morrison

Sharon is a widely known country gospel singer, her anointed beautiful voice is a true gift from God, you will be blessed.


Enter the word earlybird as a promo code to get a £3 discount – offer ends 19th March 11:59pm. Full price from 20th March 2023 – tickets are limited and non-refundable.’


Bring a packed lunch – we will provide FREE coffee/tea & traybakes OR enjoy a stroll up Ballymena streets and choose to eat at one of the various eateries or coffee shops.

FREE coffee, tea & treats will be provided on arrival and also from 1.30-2.15pm. Registration starts 9:30am – 10:15am

You can book your tickets for Rose Conference NI by logging on to the eventbrite website

ballymenaballymena elimcalled to moreconference for womenpastor angela ifonlajapastor nikki bainplace of victory for all nationsrose conference nisharon morrison