New Song Concerts seek choir members for ‘Praise Hymn’ event

New Song Concerts seek choir members for ‘Praise Hymn’ event

Our friends at New Song Concerts are looking for people who enjoy singing to take part in a special evening called ‘Praise Hymn’ at the start of April.

A spokesperson for New Song asked: “Do you love the old Hymns? Do you love to sing and praise God?
Then we would love you to be part of the choir on Saturday 1 April 2023 at Glenmachan Church, Belfast. You will be joining invited singers and the audience in an evening of hymns and songs, new and old.

Rehearsals will be each Monday evening starting 20 February 2023 at Lisburn Congregational Church Hall, Saintfield Road, Lisburn (kindly granted).”

Please complete the form in the attached link if you are interested in becoming part of the choir for ‘Praise Hymn’.

New Song Concerts seek choir members for 'Praise Hymn' event

belfastevening of hymns and songsglenmachan churchlisburn congregational churchnew song concertspraise hymn