New Courses from Crown Jesus Ministries

New Courses from Crown Jesus Ministries

Our friends at Crown Jesus Ministries are planning two courses for the New Year. Revealing a little about them, a Crown Jesus spokesperson told us:

Revival Now presents – Beyond the Walls: Lessons from Antioch.

“Join us for a new five-week series in HOPE Chapel Lane, Belfast starting Thursday 12th January 2023 at 7:30pm. We will explore the remarkable story of a vibrant Jesus-community who were willing to go beyond the walls. Each week we will unpack what made them unique and invite everyone into a radical Christ-filled life.”

New Courses from Crown Jesus Ministries

The second course is called Apologetics for Everyone

“Join Crown Jesus Ministries for a five-session apologetics series starting Monday 13th February 2023. Throughout 5 consecutive Monday evenings, hear from some brilliant apologetics speakers from across the UK, including; Andy Bannister (SOLAS), Joe Boot (Ezra Institute), Simon Edwards (OCCA) and the Crown Jesus teaching team, and explore some key issues and questions of our day. This is a great opportunity to help sharpen our focus in engaging today’s culture with the gospel!

New Courses from Crown Jesus Ministries

For more info and to book online, visit”

belfastchrist-filled lifecrown jesus ministrieshope chapel lanethe gospel