Ballymena authors to launch books at Victory Praise Community Church // Saturday 10th December 2022

Ballymena authors to launch books at Victory Praise Community Church // Saturday 10th December 2022

Ballymena authors, Joe Boyd and Jayne Dunlop, are set to launch their latest books at Victory Praise Community Church, Pennybridge Ind. Estate, Ballymena on Saturday 10th December 2022 from 11am-1pm.

‘Transformations: Broadcasting Hope in Lockdown’ is the latest offering from Joe, a veteran local reporter whose previous works were ‘Trading Places: From Hopelessness to Happiness’ (2019) and ‘Trading Mindsets: ‘God, Faith and Disability’, which hit the shelves in 2020.

Joe’s latest title is a compilation of some of the most powerful interviews to be broadcast on his Transformations programme on 10Plus Radio – The Life Worth Living between April 2019 and December 2021.

Within its pages, you will read stories of lives transformed and sustained by God following severe illness, child loss, addiction, unemployment, depression and more.

Speaking ahead of the launch, Joe said: “Although these interviews were originally recorded for and broadcast on radio, there is something especially powerful about the written word.  When one reads about someone in a book, the words have a way of lodging in your brain and, in the case of these extremely powerful stories, they pierce your heart and become impossible to forget.”

“I realised that each one of the life-stories featured in Transformations: Broadcasting Hope in Lockdown’ deserved to reach a wider and perhaps more enduring audience that may have been reached during a one-off programme on a Friday evening. After talking about it with the team at Timeless Publications, we decided together that the best way to preserve these emotive and personal stories was to reproduce them in book form so that they can continue to touch lives for years to come.”

Jayne Dunlop’s book: ‘Faith, Hope and Reality – My Cancer Journey’ is no less inspiring. In this deeply personal memoir, Jayne reveals the ups and downs of her journey from diagnosis to recovery from stage three breast cancer following a routine mammogram in 2013.

Ballymena authors to launch books at Victory Praise Community Church // Saturday 3rd December 2022

It pulls no punches about the reality of living with cancer and its often-painful treatments but does deliver a message of hope by demonstrating the Jesus can deliver healing, deliverance, and life to the full.

Jayne says: “Cancer is often referred to as the “big c” but I believe that there is a bigger letter C, that is the Christ Jesus and through Him we can walk through and conquer cancer.”

One of the most amusing anecdotes in her story recalls how her hospital consultant laughed at being ‘stood up for Liam Neeson’ when Jayne was a member of Ballymena Borough Council.

‘Faith, Hope and Reality – My Cancer Journey’ will make you laugh and cry – it is simply the best book of its kind to be released in recent years.

Of course, Joe and Jayne are quick to acknowledge that neither book would have been published without the help, support. and encouragement of Alistair Bates and the team at Timeless Publications. (TTA)

Both authors will be present at the launch to sign books and chat to guests and would love everyone who reads this to join them.

However, if you can get along to the big day, both titles. along with many more. can be purchased via Products – Timeless Theo Logical Academy

ballymena authorsbroadcasting hope in lockdownjayne dunlopjoe boydmy cancer journeytimeless publicationsvictory praise community church