Centenary celebrations at Mid Connor area Mothers’ Union Service

Centenary celebrations at Mid Connor area Mothers’ Union Service

St Patrick’s Church, Ballymena was the venue for the recent Mid Connor area Mothers’ Union Service.
The Service of Holy Communion was led by the Rev Canon Mark McConnell, assisted by the Rev Andrew Moore.

After the opening hymn, a wall hanging, which was made to celebrate 100 years of St Patrick’s Parish, Ballymena branch, was dedicated by Diocesan President Sally Cotter.

The address, on the MU theme ‘Transformation – NOW!’ was given by the Very Rev John Bond, former Dean of Connor. He spoke about the many ways in which Mothers’ Union transformed lives in the past and is still changing lives today.
After the service, members were entertained to refreshments which included a special anniversary cake.

The featured image shows Sally Cotter, Diocesan President, along with Anne Adams and Jean Kennedy cutting the anniversary cake, marking 100 years of Mid Connor area Mothers’ Union.

Photos below are of those who attended the recent centenary celebrations in St Patrick’s Ballymena

Centenary celebrations at Mid Connor area Mothers' Union Service
Centenary celebrations at Mid Connor area Mothers' Union Service
Centenary celebrations at Mid Connor area Mothers' Union Service

You can find out more about the Mothers’ Union in Connor Diocese on their website

ballymenacentenary celebrationsmid connor area mothers' unionmothers' unionrev andrew moorerev canon mark mcconnellsally cotterst patrick's parishvery rev john bond