Harvest Mission at Churchtown Presbyterian Church // 6th-11th November 2022

Harvest Mission at Churchtown Presbyterian Church // 6th-11th November 2022

You are invited to a Harvest Mission being planned by Churchtown Presbyterian Church, Tamlaght O’Crilly, Co. Londonderry from Sunday 6th until Friday 11th November 2022.

Rev Richard Morrison will speak at the 12noon service on Sunday 6th November 2022 while Rev Eddie Kirk, formerly of Townhill and First Ahoghill Presbyterian Churches with address the evening meeting at 7pm.
Rev Kirk will also speak at each of the weeknight meetings which run from Monday 7th-Friday 11th November at 8pm.

Various singers can also be heard each night along with remarkable testimonies about what the Lord has done in individual lives.

Churchtown is a warm and friendly rural congregation at the heart of the village of Tamlaght O’Crilly which is located in the middle of the Kilrea, Maghera and Portglenone triangle.
If you have never been there before, why don’t you use the Harvest Mission as an opportunity visit the congregation, they would be thrilled to see you.

Harvest Mission at Churchtown Presbyterian Church // 6th-11th November 2022
Churchtown Presbyterian Church

For more information on Churchtown Presbyterian Church, log on to: www.churchtownpci.org

churchtown presbyterian churchharvest missionrev eddie kirkrev richard morrisontamlaght o'crilly