Give your unwanted Summer reads or Christian music CDs to Hope and A Future Randalstown

Give your unwanted Summer reads or Christian music CDs to Hope and A Future Randalstown

If you have enjoyed a good Christian book or listened to a good Christian music CD from the comfort of your sun-lounger this summer but no longer want or need it; Kevin Keenan, who runs the Hope and A Future charity alongside his wife, Christine, would love to hear from you.
Once again, they are on the look-out for quality Christian books and CDs that are in good condition to be left in at the charity’s main shop, located at 5-7 New Street in Randalstown.

Kevin said: “We really enjoy having Christian books and CDs available in our shops in Randalstown and Antrim to encourage our customers to read or listen to something which may encourage interest in the Christian faith and may even help someone who is looking to discover the joy of the Gospel for the first time.”
“We understand that some books and CDs are treasured by their owner. However, we will gladly take those unwanted ones that are well read and listened to, and now find themselves on your shelf. Please drop them in to myself in the shop in Randalstown.”

Give your unwanted Summer reads or Christian music CDs to Hope and A Future Randalstown

If you would like to financially support Hope And A Future, contact Kevin on 07544496000 or Christine on 07761541676 or email:

christian bookschristian musichope and a futurehope and a future charitykevin keenanrandalstown