‘Revival Now’ series: The B.E.S.T. Life begins at Crown Jesus Ministries plus Late-night Prayer Gathering

‘Revival Now’ series: The B.E.S.T. Life begins at Crown Jesus Ministries plus Late-night Prayer Gathering

The team at Crown Jesus Ministries have organised two exciting events. One of their Evangelists, Tim Houston, has sent us the details:

“What’s your B.E.S.T. story?
Join us for a brand new ‘Revival Now’ series at HOPE Chapel Lane, Belfast: The B.E.S.T. life!
Each week we’ll be hearing testimonies of how God has transformed lives, and how we have an incredible story to share about life with Christ.
We’ll be exploring 4 things with each testimony:
B – Before life with Christ
E – Evangelisation
S – Salvation
T – Transformation
We’d love to see you there – bring a friend! It kicks off on Thursday 8th September 2022 for 4 consecutive Thursdays at 7:30pm, HOPE Chapel Lane, 50 Berry Street, Belfast BT1 1FJ.”

'Revival Now' series: The B.E.S.T. Life begins at Crown Jesus Ministries plus Late-night Prayer Gathering

LATE-NIGHT PRAYER GATHERING – Friday 9th September 2022 – 8pm-2am

“HOPE Chapel Lane will be open from 8pm-2am for you to come and pray for revival. Whether you can join us for a short time or the whole night, everybody is welcome – we would love to see you!

At the start of each hour, we will have a short primer for prayer from one of our team, all around the theme of revival in Ireland.”

For more information and book your spot: www.crownjesus.org/events

belfastcrown jesus ministrieshope chapel lanerevival in irelandtim houston