Book launch by the Rev Dr Bob Cotter

Book launch by the Rev Dr Bob Cotter

Former St Patrick’s Broughshane curate, Rev Dr Bob Cotter launched his recently published volume on John Cennick in Cennick Hall, Gracehill, Ballymena on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.
The book is entitled John Cennick (1718-1755) Methodism, Moravianism and the Rise of Evangelism and is published by Routledge.

Guest speakers at the launch were Professor Crawford Gribben from Queen’s University Belfast and Dr David Ceri Jones, from the University of Aberystwyth. Dr Cotter also spoke.
Among the guests were Moravian Bishop Sarah Groves.

Book launch by the Rev Dr Bob Cotter
The Rev Dr Bob Cotter, left, at his book launch with Bishop Sarah Groves and Professor Crawford Gribben.

Dr Cotter’s book is available from

broughshanebroughshane curategracehilljohn cennickmethodismmoravianismrev dr bob cotterroutledge