Spark 2022 was a red-hot success!

Spark 2022 was a red-hot success!

Five days of superb weather helped to make Spark 2022 a red-hot success in and around the Ballymena area.

Dozens of young, and a few not so young volunteers, gathered to serve God in Dunclug, Doury Road and Tullygarley, not forgetting the joint team who worked hard in Ballykeel, Town Centre and Broughshane.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Spark is an outreach week in Ballymena, with young people from churches across the town gathering to share the love of Jesus. United. Loving. Being.

‘Transformation’ was the theme of this year’s event. Each afternoon began with a time of worship at High Kirk Presbyterian Church which was led brilliantly by Jamie and the band.

Sparkers were inspired to bring transformation to their own lives and communities through inspiring messages from God’s Word by the speakers, Zach and Joel.

Spark 2022 was a red-hot success!

Afternoons were spent undertaking various activities to show God’s love to people in each area.
For example, a massive clean-up operation was undertaken at the site of the Eleventh Night Bonfire in Ballykeel. Kids clubs in Broughshane, Tullygarley, Dunclug and the Doury were a massive success too.
Teams in each area also enjoyed praying with and chatting to families and individuals they met as they gardened, litter-picked or simply spent time with people.

Wednesday night worship at High Kirk also proved to be a big hit with Sparkers and members of the community as Jamie and the band were joined by speaker, Katie.
Spark 2022 ended on Friday night with a trip to the beach and some team time.

A Spark spokesperson summed up the week by saying: “We had a really blessed time. God gave us amazing weather and loads of opportunities to show His love to people we met each day.

“We are looking forward to Spark 2023 – watch this space for date information – expecting that God will be even more amazing things in the community of Ballymena.”

Spark 2022 was a red-hot success!

For more information on the Spark outreach, log on to their Facebook page.

ballymenaballymena areacommunity of ballymenahigh kirk presbyterian churchoutreach week in ballymenaspark 2022spark outreach