Coffee Morning for Hamsayeh International at Second Broughshane Presbyterian Church Hall

Coffee Morning for Hamsayeh International at Second Broughshane Presbyterian Church Hall

A Coffee Morning in support of Hamsayeh International will take place at Second Broughshane Presbyterian Church Hall on Saturday 27th August 2022. The event will run from 10am-1pm and you will have the opportunity to hear directly from Clare Arian (nee McIntyre) who runs the organisation along with her husband, Amir.

Hamsayeh International was set up to reach out and disciple those from Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Hamsayeh means ‘neighbour’ in Farsi.
Everyone is warmly invited to hear about the life-changing work of this amazing outreach.

Coffee Morning for Hamsayeh International at Second Broughshane Presbyterian Church Hall

For further information, log on to

clare arianhamsayeh internationaloutreachsecond broughshane presbyterian church