Youth & Community Outreach Worker at Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey

Youth & Community Outreach Worker at Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey

Check out this exciting opportunity to join the Ministry Team at Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church in Cullybackey.

Cuningham’s minister, Rev Noel Mulholland, told us: “We are currently seeking to appoint a Youth & Community Outreach Worker to help us develop and co-ordinate our work among young people, nurture future leaders, and reach out to young people and families within the district of Cullybackey.
This is a full-time (37.5 hours per week), three-year Fixed Term Contract, and will include evening and weekend work.
Salary will be in line with PCI salary scale Band B1 – £24,307.
A commitment to the Christian ethos of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is essential.”

For job description, personnel specification and application form, please contact: Rev. Noel Mulholland on 07732 686146 or email
The closing date for applications is Friday 30 September 2022

Youth & Community Outreach Worker at Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey

Find out more about the work and witness of Cuningham Presbyterian Church, Cullybackey on their Facebook page.

community outreachcommunity outreach workercullybackeycuningham memorial presbyterian churchpresbyterian church in irelandrev noel mulholland