‘Compelled’ – the theme for the 86th Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention

‘Compelled’ – the theme for the 86th  Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention

Bangor Worldwide has released details of its programme planned for Convention week, during the launch events held recently. The theme for the summer Convention which takes place between Friday 19th and Sunday 28th August 2022 is: ‘Compelled’.

Chairman Tom Clarke said, “Our theme is Compelled – a word that captures the spirit of our motivation for service in the ongoing work of extending Christ’s Kingdom on this earth. It applies to so many areas of our service for Him; we are compelled to Pray, to Give and to Go. We explore these themes in the various events planned for convention week.

“We always bring a range of speakers from different countries and this year, we are pleased to announce that Archbishop Ben Kwashi will travel from Nigeria to share with us.

“We are organising a very special evening in Assembly Buildings in Belfast on Saturday 20th August – with a distinctive airport feel. Billed as ‘Around the world in 90 minutes on Flight BW208’, people will enter via airport lounges where mission agencies will give updates on their work and some freebies too. At around 7.30pm, they will be called to the departure gates and board the flight with tour guides David Eastwood from OMF, author David Garrison and Archbishop Ben Kwashi. New Irish Arts will provide in-flight song and worship. Tickets need to be purchased online (£7.50/£5 concession) from the website.

“Bible teaching is a central part of our Convention and we will be holding morning Bible studies each weekday at 11.30am. American Author and pastor Dr Zack Eswine has chosen ‘Jesus won’t quit on you’ as his theme for the week studying the gospel of John.”

‘Compelled’ - the theme for the 86th  Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention
Pictured at the launch of Bangor Worldwide 2022 is guest speaker Craig Dyer, Pamela McCullagh, MAP NI Co-ordinator, with members of the organising committee Jason Brodie and Lesley Stewart and Pastor Jonny McClaughlin from Hamilton Road Baptist Church where the service was held. 

86th Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention event details

The majority of the events will be held at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor but there are also events in the neighbouring Baptist Church as well as in Belfast, Drumreagh, Lurgan and Magherafelt.

Registration will be required for certain events, such as seminars, via the newly designed Bangor Worldwide website. Full details of all the events being held this year are available on the site as well. There are specific events for young adults on both Fridays as well as a special Equip Gathering on Saturday 20th in 1st Bangor Presbyterian Church. A ladies afternoon tea event will take place in Hamilton Road Baptist Church on Thursday 25th featuring Suzanne Potter from Latin Link and Joanne Briggs from the Leprosy Mission NI.

86th bangor worldwidebangorbangor worldwidebangor worldwide missionary conventionhamilton road baptist churchhamilton road presbyterian